Hello friend!  My name is Amy and I’m so happy you’ve chosen to visit me here at TheCoachMom.com!

I am a Jesus-following wife, mom, mentor, leader, and writer, as well as a self-proclaimed perfectionistic Southern Belle.  I love people and laughing, and laughing with people is my favorite.  I’ve been both chided and complimented for the fact that you never have to guess what I’m thinking.  And although that used to distress me, I’m learning to love myself just the way I am.

My husband and I were high-school sweethearts and have been married for almost 30 years.  We live in the Southern United States with our elementary-age son and two fur-babies.  Our adult daughter is also close-by, after she (thankfully) chose to move closer to mom, dad, and little bro after graduating from college.

live the life you deserve encouragement photo of desk and glasses

Why a blog and why now?

I’ve always been passionate about helping people grow personally, develop professionally, and learn how to live their most fulfilling life.  I have a Master’s degree in Behavioral Studies with a focus on professional counseling, and enjoyed a challenging 13 year career in corporate America where I served in leadership, client service, training, and professional development.  I have officially (and unofficially) been a coach and mentor throughout my career and loved every minute of it.  I feel blessed that now, I’m able to take a step back from the busy-ness of corporate life and focus on my family, as well as where I’ve felt called to serve in ministry, including writing this blog to serve you.

coffee mug with begin printed as encouragement

What can you expect from TheCoachMom.com?

My goal with TheCoachMom.com is to provide a place where moms can find encouragement for parenting, marriage, and mental health and wellness.When you have a challenge, I want you to be able to come on over and feel confident that you’ll find something to give you hope, inspiration, and biblical truth for your situation.  I also will be reviewing and linking to books and resources that have helped me throughout the years.

In essence, I plan to give you small bites of encouragement at least bi-weekly and at most once per week, based upon my experience, research, and reviews.

Topics to Expect:

  • Encouragement for Moms
  • Encouragement for Marriage
  • Encouragement for Mental Health and Wellness

So I am writing this just for you, mom, mommy, mama, whatever your mom-name is (mine was Monnie for a while, but that’s a story for another post).  Anyone is welcome here who has an interest in parenting, marriage, or mental health and wellness for women – even if you’re not a mom. I look forward to growing alongside you!

With love,

P.S. Please do leave a comment and let me know anytime you feel encouraged by something I’ve shared, or tell me something you would like to learn more about.  We can grow this blog together and reach so many more women!  And I would love it if you would subscribe so you won’t miss a thing!