Friend, in case nobody has ever told you, I want to take your hand right now and say, “You have a voice!” You’re probably thinking, “Well, yes, I know I have a voice. I use it every day.” But I’m not talking about your physical, audible voice in that sense, although that’s part of it. What we’re talking about today is the voice that we all have inside of us that says, “I don’t like what’s happening and it needs to change.”
That voice.
Can you believe I’ve never really thought about having a voice? Oh sure, I express my opinions (cue audible eye-roll from my husband and children ;). But for the most part, I’ve just felt like I have to submit to the will of anyone who has some perceived authority over me – employers, physicians, educators, etc. I would just do whatever they said, even if I didn’t feel my needs were taken into consideration or sometimes even if it felt uncomfortable.
Do you ever feel that way?
I know for myself, in my polite southern-ness, I thought that’s what I was supposed to do. And if I did disagree or the interaction felt intrusive or offensive, I would simply shut down and shut them out mentally. I might beat myself up later because I “should have” spoken up, and then I’d think of all the things I could have said. Then I’d never follow through of course and just secretly resent them. Does that ever happen to you?
And Then… An Introduction to My Voice
One day while seeing a physical therapist for the first time, she said to me, “Now, you have a voice. If anything feels uncomfortable, you let me know.” She meant the therapy, of course. But what she didn’t realize was that those were some of the most empowering words I had ever heard! It hit me all of a sudden: I have a voice!
She unknowingly introduced me to my voice. And friend, YOU have a voice!
In the coming weeks, we will go through a five-part series that will introduce key communication principles and methods. This series will take us on a journey to learn how to use our voice effectively with the goal of improving communication with our spouses, children, friends, employers, and so on.
Next up will be Part 2, which is all about Conflict Resolution. Are you ready to be introduced to your voice?
Biblical Application
“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” Colossians 4:6

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Wishing you peace,
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