I once had a friend who when praying for me, asked God to remind me that “grace isn’t just for others,” it’s for me too. Wow.  How powerful is that for someone to speak over you??  I’ve reflected on that prayer frequently since then, as I tend to be much harder on myself than others are on me. 

Can you relate?

Do you ever silently beat yourself up because your kids prefer pizza and chips for lunch, rather than wheat toast points and an all-organic salad like Stephanie-down-the-street’s kids seem to happily eat every day?  And there’s NO WAY your kids would eat wheat toast points and an all-organic salad anyway, even if you bribed them?  “If only I’d taught them to eat healthier from the start!  Their diets are junk!  Now they’re going to grow up and have high blood pressure and diabetes and it all my fault!!!” 

Sound familiar, friend? 

Or maybe your daughter would rather go outside and throw a ball around than read a book, or your son whines to play video games with his friends instead of board games with his siblings, or your sweet baby just can’t get the hang of walking and all her peers at preschool seem to be way ahead of her. 

What’s your “my kid can’t, won’t, or isn’t as good at” that you constantly beat yourself up about?

Do you have one in mind? Now bear with me while we try a little exercise. Close your eyes… and think of all the ways you’ve blamed yourself. Ouch. That feels icky, doesn’t it?! It feels so awful because when we’re constantly beating ourselves up we can’t be fully present for our kids, take good care of ourselves, or anybody else. We stay trapped in a “should have, would have, could have” cycle and it’s exhausting!

So are you ready for a change?

Oh mama, if you walk away with nothing else today, I implore you to hear this: you are doing an AMAZING job! SO WHAT if your kids prefer pizza and chips over wheat toast and greens! (Let’s be honest… who doesn’t?  Am I right?!) How do I know you’re doing an amazing job? Just because you care. 

That’s it!  You care enough to take the time to reflect and think about your kids, to worry about them, and pray for them.  You’re making sure they’re fed, clothed, loved, and know how to love.  Girl, that’s what REALLY matters!

So sweet sister, let me be the one to remind you: grace isn’t just for others.  It’s for you too. And with that in mind, I implore you to cut yourself some slack.  Cut yourself some slack and know that what you do for your kids is what’s best for your kids and your family at this time.  And that’s good enough.

Now, go pack those little guys’ lunch with the cold pizza and nacho chips they’re begging for, give them a hug, tell them you love them, and know that they (and you) will be just fine.

Biblical Application

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:25-27

Wishing you peace and grace,

Photo by Ankush Nath Sehgal on Unsplash